Club and special show KCHLS, Humpolec 6. - 7. 5. 2017
We went to Humpolec on Saturday. We were in full team. The first day was judged by Mr. Dan Ericsoon (Sweden). This year Cyro has been the first to go. He was enrolled in a working class where six dogs were enrolled. Cyro received a great review and won a beautiful 4th place to defend last year's success :-)
Cyro Chipp Poklad Orlicka - EXCELLENT 4 (working class)
In the next championship class, I started with Met. He had great competition from 12 older and more powerful dogs. The judge has told him his ancestor ... He is supposed to be even bigger in the front of his age. So we were not even selected in the shortlist and Saturday I finished with the beautiful Excellent without order.
Cheek to Cheek Jack the Bear - EXCELLENT (winner class)
And I must show you beautiful common photos :-)
On Sunday I only signed Met. We got dressed better, took umbrellas, rags and went out. The second day was judged by the English judge Jane Wild. Meanwhile he joined the working class, where there were five other dogs. There was a classic entry, racing, table and final selection. I put Met into a free posture and watched only his. Suddenly the judge broke up and I thought she had chosen us for a shortlist. And it NO! We won the class, and that was not the end. At the arrival of representatives of the best individuals, Meta chose the Special Exhibition Winner and Best Breed Individual (BOB). I could not believe it at all ... Well, that Sunday did not end. In the final circle, we started on the best working individual, where there were also very strong competition of other breeds ... There was an inspection of the individual, back and forth, wheel and selection ... The judge for the third time has gone to us for the third time. I was happy as a flea. :-) The last day of the Sunday was the best individual of the show. We also introduced one Flat coated retriever, Labrador retriever, Curly coated retriever, Chesapeak bay retriever and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling retriever ... The best individual won the Labrador retriever :-)
Cheek to Cheek Jack the Bear - EXCELLENT 1, CAC, Winner of special show, BOB, BIS working (working class)
For beautiful photos we thanks Eva Šípová and Lukáš Beránek from kennel EVIGOLD. :-)